Sunday, 9 September 2018

Appropriateness of Title 'All My Sons '

Introduction :
Arthur Miller
(October 17, 1915 – February 10, 2005) was an American playwright, Essayist, and Figure in twentieth-century American Theatre Among his most popular plays are ;
All My Sons(1947)
Death Of Salesman (1949)
The Crucible(1953) and
A View From The Bridge 1955, revised 1956
He also wrote several screen Plays and was most noted for his work on The Misfits(1961). The drama Death of a Salesman has been numbered on the short list of finest American plays in the 20th century .
Miller successfully synthesized diverse dramatic styles and movements in the belief that a play should embody a delicate balance between the individual and society, between the singular personality and the polity, and between the separate and collective elements of life. He thought himself a writer of social plays with a strong emphasis on moral problems in American society and often questioned psychological causes of behavior.
He also built on the realist tradition of Henrik Ibsen in his exploration of the individual's conflict with society but also borrowed Symbolist and expressionist techniques from Bertolt Brechand others.
Some critics attempt to interpret his work from either an exclusively political or an exclusively psychological standpoint but fail to pierce the social veil that Miller creates in his work.Miller often stressed that society made his characters what they are and how it dictated all of their fears and choices.
The Title :
All My Sons is indeed appropriate for Miller's play Of that name .The title refers to 21 Air Pilots Who were killed during the war on Account of the Defective Cylinder head fitted into the P -40 which men had been flying in the course of their Raids over the Enemy Territory .The Aeroplane had Crashed because of Engine failure resulting from the defective cylinder which had been supplied by Joe Keller's Factory and which had been fitted into those Aeroplanes.
This is incident which had been included in plot of the Play .
When we think about Title so title is an important part of any literary work it should be Short ,simple ,and Meaningful .it provides glimpse for major theame, events and ideas of writers mind .this play connected with many ideas Like Morality, politics, sel-centred , American Dream ,Social responsibility etc.
For any literary forms title should connected with logically ,and rationally here this title connected with both way logically and rationally .if we do rational reading we find out suitable aspect related to title. We can evaluate this title with some Abstract ideas Generally title dealing with place, characters,and incidents but here it is dealing with an Abstract ideas. When we think rationally about meaning 'All My Sons' it means it's generalization and some way it is dealing with social bondage With Society .It is not an individual it can't be dealing with Moral and social emotion.In this point of view this title seems Meaningful and also rationally connection with The Play .In the play Catastrophe occurs as a result of the realization by the chief character that the pilots who had been killed,both way the same relationship to him as his son Larry ,Joe Keller realizes at the end of play there was no difference between his son Larry and The Pilots flying the P -40 which had been fitted with defective cylinder. He realizes that he was responsible for the deaths of those Pilots and that their deaths had subsequently caused Larry to commit suicide .
Keller's realization is an important part and connected with Title .he had been punished himself and committed suicide.and last words spoken by him 'All My Sons' with reference to 21 pilots.  who became victimed of Keller's Greediness.
In Short this play is all about conflict ,outer and inner , corruption,crime , Business, cheating ,love and Patriotism ,idealism,and practicality .
We can see these all elements which is part of Human life this play also depicted Human Relationship through incidents .title is suitable and Appropriately given By Miller For his Master piece .Play 'All My Sons'.
Thanks for Reading .

1 comment:

  1. Very good th u so much for that's o when read I am so effect Ed from this Soo thanks again
