Saturday 3 September 2016

Blog on To The Lighthouse

1...In this question first we see the ideal indian women according to indian tradition women potrayed very patriarchal way and womens moral duties are to become a housewife cooking ,household,take care of children and all things maintance home she not openly present their ideas opinion and indian social life male dominted society and womens roleis very typical she controling by men as per indian culture and tradition those women who live life in this way they are ideal women and one more thing is to give child birth and loyalty towards family and community come in first priority as we see in our various virtual and our furfurther given ideology of that “PATI PARMESHWAR” in this cocept indian womens are cultivated everthing and follow it ,As we seen in female characters Lily Briscoe and Mrs.Ramsay both are totally different belief one is wish to live single life and freedom not wish to live in traditional women as Mrs.Ramsay live she belief in looking forward break the tradition and not agree with patriarchal sytem in those days women not allow to draw painting and read ,write ,according to CHARLES TANSLY.
And Mrs.Ramsay like to host number of guest and she helpel them and patchmaker of some young couple but she also scaryed if one everybody forget her and she argued with Lily that she is very important in this house but Lily answered that one you may be kick outfrom house .in both way writer presented the real picture and contrast between IDEALISM &REALISM by two female chracters very rational arguement presented in novel Virginia Woolf potrayed both characters in juxtaposition Mrs.Ramsay also more traditional way presented but also WOOLF presented real pictureof society and also it is not limited on that time in nowdays also that kind of social contemporary issue come out such as ; women does not use social media ,dressing sense ,and do not enter in temple some way thatkind of ideas living 21st century also people are not agree to give freedom to women may be someway educated people are given it but some part and community thinking in orthodixical way .

2...Yes in some parts of movie and film adaption we can find out some different in comperisn to movie novel also ppresented that kind of things well such as some symbolism like;
Lilybriscoe's painting ,storm ,MrRamsay's summer house ,theboar's skull,in all those symbols presented same ways in the end of novel Lily get her vision and painting finally complete because the wall between James and Mr Ramsay brokendown and in novel present of skull act as disturbing reminder that death is always at hand but in film it not everyone understand properly deep philosophy as we feelin novel may be it like children generally feel fear by that kind of ugly skull to understand it very deeply we need some original reading .as we see IN movie Lily doing painting without reading we just think not her struugle in patriarchal society against gender convention but some way we know that film adaption make director's way of looking thing so that kind of common difference live in different perception they heve to discribed it through visual and writer discribe by words but it is complicated things to justify whose way of discribing that kind of symbolism and things because it depends on viewers/ and reader's perspective and point of view ya some time to watchfilm adaption is save our time to undersatand some basic idea and themetic concept not overall thing clear .

3..To The LigtHouse title of novel is presented very symbolic way in same way metaphorically as the elements of water represents the emotions the Lighthouse isthe symbol for the spiritual strength and emotions same way Mr.Ramsay stand strong like the lighthouse being with ,JAMES, LILY,
one more thing lighthouse stands alone and tall in both light and darkness which symbolise strength
and guidance and MrRamsay and Mrs Ramsay stands sfety to other family and guest those who wisit summerhouse in this way lighthouse stand for Mrs&Mr. Ramsay

4... india is reffered many time in this novel apart of habit of exaggeration (fact)which they implicatior indian women coud not bear incivility to her guest to youngmen in patricular whowear poor as church mice she had the whole of orthodoxy ,not mke openely decesion,male dominated ,family perfomed traditional role of women ,giving child birth ,not allow to live in single life donot work with male amd living life very traditionally and as ideal women and not financially self depend that kind of all things presented indian women's role

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