Tuesday 16 August 2016




As we know that Hindi Film Industry is very large and they given much contribution in humans life there are many movies and many Heroes each generation has different demand ,icon ,visoin ,mentality,ch like and dislike but most of people used to watch movies just for entertained, for enjoy romance ,action ,comedy dance,etc;

     but Raj Kapoor tried to break that thing and try to give something different things which is goes beyond understanding of human mind .i am going to telling about that movie because i just watch this movie for understanding deep philosophy of life
many question raise in over mind what is life ? Life is journey and
death is destination.but what we should do between journey of life and death ?
Make over status better earn money fulfill over expectation for better lifestyle or luxurious life each and every person is architecture of their own life always chance come one by one in over life some people got it and start to achive their top level and some are used to satisfy in present equal condition but they never demand anything just live like as animal without doing any superiority and highest way of life but they suffer lot of to make strength in society but this Movie lead on some focus on that aspect .

Here i found same philosophical and universal law that each person is an actor of their life and performed various role in life as 
    Shakespeare's thought Entire world is theatre and every human being is an artist we just wait for end .we don't when it end and who is director of over life ? Remain invisible and we don't know what is next scene ? But in this way we does manything make many relation based on politics personal bias ,vanity of society and never it end we can't stop expectation .
But in this movie story revolve in centre of JOKER'S life his work is only one to make laugh on himself by wearing comic costume and various gesture,creating comedy ,in circus Joker always popular among other Artist same way Raju is Joker and his dream to be joker and bring smile on everone's life but he is very poor also his mother disagree with him because to go in circus and performing as joker but Raju has no idea his passion to be a Joker
as joker Raju started react like joker not limited only to Circus but in real life remain as joker because everystep of life he just as puppet of enjoyment nobody understand his feeling use him and forget only one thing remain with him that is circus and his audience Raju's personal life is very tragic he does not cry but try to bring it infront of audience and tell his story with comic way those who understand deep event who never laugh on him but some are laugh they people thik that this is part of new show but it is performed story of Raju's Childhood,Youth,and Old this are three step of human's life which is common in everybody life show must go on , everything not remain in over favour because each person has their own expectation we became just Joker for make laugh on over life why? Because we expect many thing but we can't get as over wish ultimately it's like one abstract activity as we see over own shadow but we can't catch it life and expectataion is some abstract thing or illusion but we suffer a lot 
    while watching any movie or Circus we enjoy and understand that wahatever happened is nothing but one kind of smoke which blow with air vanished from over mind but sometime we will think lot and disturb over mind automatically it's like somebody throw stone in calm water and ultimately water started to react and waves break that quiteness this movie do that thing .
It's presented reality of life and deep philosophy and we know that reality always with bitter test but we have to accept that life is very complicated and we all are in that movie who's director is invisible script .
     In 21st century human is very rational and practical who think twice both side nagetive and positive love ,feeling ,hate is always increse in over day to day life because people does not want to be emotional ful.relationship became bargning based on personal benefit but Character's of Raju fraway to this all thing he just want to see happy everyone who know him because he understood that oneday i finesh my role and everyone's end is possible so why?i make disaapoint anyonebecause he know someday people realise his mistake but it will be very late but atleast
somebody memorise me as Joker but who is real Joker ?
And who is real artist who hide sorrow in eyes and presented same way in front of viewer's .

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