Monday 8 August 2016

Review On : Midnight's children

Review On : Midnight's children

Director : Deepa Mehta
Writer : Salman Rushdie
Starring : Shabana Azmi ,Ronit Roy,Sriyasaran ,Satya Bhabha

   Midnight's children is a Novel by Salman Rushdie in which theametic concept of book dealing with india before independence and after independence central point of view Post Colonialism as india were colonized by British In this movie presented condition of India Pakistan and BangaladeshSalman Rushdie selected the historical event of independence but with fictional aspects.and magical realism and Histrographical metafiction.After watching the movie directed by Deepa Mehta i given my interpretation in this way .


     The Plot is very complicated because of the confusion of identity of two young boys who belongs with different community named Shiva ,and Saleem .In this way Saleem was born at the exact movement when india become an independent nation.
So life of Saleem start with the life of independent india got the Telepathic Power even other children who were born at exact 12 o'clock midnigt of 14th August got different kind of power by using his power saleem created a link with all the states of India .

    In this Film there are so many incidents which reflects Post Colonial aspect and Film we could see two sides of women one side who feel inferior and another who is independent in nature Naseem Saleem's grandmother and Vanita exploid by Methwold Mumtaz (Saleem's mother)
can be seen as colonised women .In this way we can see position of women as inferior .
   One more things about movie main characters Saleem come from rich background and shiva come from poor background both have power but only shiva wants to use power which reflects his hate towards wealthy people and feeling of having inferiority by rich people and another while Saleem wanted to help people and nation because he never suffered from
starvation and poverty .

   In climax of movie part we can see How Bangladesh depart from india and after war between India and Pakistan ,Bangladesh come to exist in a new country and Saleem was the only survivor during the war in Bangladesh Saleem converted him self as Bangladeshi .
This scene suggests the central of power the magic of Parvati reflected of people who believed in illusion during the partition and many people have to leave their homeland forcefully and magical escapism of Saleem was the desire of theose migrated people .

  At the end of Movie family has Hindu Grandfather,Christian Grandmother ,and  Muslim Father and a son which can be considered as hybrid and contains different identities. 
   In short Midnight's Children from one of the most accailmed novel by Salman Rushdie emerges this drama Midnigt's Children 2013 Film
Highlight the lives of two individuals born at the same time of Midnight when India achieved it's independence from the British ; and Film is a controversial potboiler that has Romace, Tragedy,and Comedy.

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