Friday 22 July 2016

Here is view's regarding to the Poem 'The Waste Land'.

Here is view's regarding to the Poem 'The Waste Land'.

1 . T.S. Eliot’s ‘The Waste Land’ is an important landmark in the history of English Poetry and one of the most talked about the Poem of the 20th Century.
Answer 1. Here in the First question Friedrich Nietzsche comes, with the concept of ‘The Ubermensch’. In Philosophy, the superior man, who justifies the existence of the human race, and also it means that as a goal for humanity to set for itself. ‘ Superman’ is the term significantly used by Friedrich Nietzsche. This superior man would not be a product of long evolution; rather, he would emerge when any man with superior potential completely masters himself and strikes off conventional Christian “herd morality” to create his own values, which are completely rooted in life on this earth.

‘The Waste Land’ Contemporary spirit in its totality. Its anxiety, its despair. In the Contemporary waste land there is sexual degeneration at all levels. there is some Forward movement also. In the beginning there is only barren desert and rock (red rock –as a symbol of Christianity), but the towards the end there is desire for water, there are clouds, and so expectation rain. The title ‘ A Game of Chess ’ suggest that sex has become a matter of intrigue, a matter of moves and counter moves . In the last section, Eliot points out the way for spiritual salvation through the following of the philosophy of the Buddha. Man must give himself over to the cause of religion.

Eliot seems to be regressive and backward looking as he presented the things , which was presented historical events, and myths, it led towards to find answer of contemporary malaise in Upanishad, Buddhism, and Christianity.

2. Freud and Eliot both are thinks differently. Freud believed in collective and individual balance , which should constantly take into account man’s primitive instincts.
Such perversion sex result in neurosis, frustration and disillusionment, despair and hopelessness of the modern man 



3. T.S. Eliot thinks that the salvation of man lies in the preservation of the cultural tradition. T.S. Eliot had been reading Jessie Weston’s book ‘from Ritual to Romance’ , and James Frazer’s Famous Book ‘ The Golden Bough’. The Poet himself has acknowledged that he was deeply influenced by these work or anthropology. And the ancient and the primitive myth and legends which from the mythical background to the poem are derived from these book. Indian religious book’ Upanishad’ pointed out ways to salvation.  







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