Saturday 9 July 2016

Teaching English as 'Second language'in india

Teaching English as 'Second language'in india by Kapil kapoor( JNU,Delhi)

     Concept of english as second languge is not purely pedagogy construct and has to be properly understood in the larger historical social and education context
it is shown to be a part of that mythology of english that has been assiduosusly cultivated by the interested elite to such deleterious effect position relative to the english a pre eminant language socio political language ,particularly 
   also been discourage the study and learning of classical languages particularly sanskrit which has contributed to the rootlessness of the young indian minds.
English as second language along with other indian languages and it is poor standarad
of english inspite of the tremendous the role of english as a foreign language and by choosing the rigt language teaching theories and matter of methodology
English is the language of knowledge ,language of modern thinking ,reason ,english is the link language .

   As we said the metaphor of 'window' is central inthis structure in which indian language are the 'walls ' that enclose that lead light of moderanization
According to education commission 1964-'66 this tosay about to teaching of english ;because of years to come english will continue to be necessary in higher education as a library language have recommended in english must be laid at the schoolstage
In this way second language which introduced compulsorily either atend of primary stage or in the beginning of the lower secondary stage after the attainment of suffiecient proficiency in the first language by the learner .

   This is methodological approach applying in context of teaching english as second language and primart to upper stage it following by learners.

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