Saturday 9 July 2016

Teaching Of EST In Indian Condition by R.S.SHARMA

Teaching Of EST In Indian Condition by R.S.SHARMA

      In this essay R.S.Sharma talks about teaching of EST for science and Technology in india suffers from some seriuos drawback .the courses and method are unrelated to the specific academic and professional needs of the students ;the materials are not based on careful description of the scientific sub register and teaching staff are ill equipped and even resistant to the new tasks .yet this is an area which deserves top priority at the hands of the government and planners of technical education because teaching of EST has a
direct bearing on india's modernisation and progress
There are three aspects of EST :

  1. Need Analysis
  2. Structure Analysis
  3. Expertise and Training
      In this way the learner's profile would suggest that the students,who has been admitted to the first year B.Sc or B.Sc course through an admission test possesses intelligence and attainment above the average he has successfully completed
some course in general English and has communicative competence in English his English however requires remedial work and further improvement
English as a subject compulsory in many institutions is taught in the first year it is taught at a first stage when many learner is familiar with applied sciences and has a little knowledge of technology or engineering.

        Let me end by remarking that the teacher of EST who can plan his work properly and make the right kind of note and evaluate asking question this can be basic idea to drow attention towards English .

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