Thursday 11 August 2016

Here is my interpretation of 10 short poems, with modern metaphors and symbols.

  Here is my interpretation of 10 short poems, with modern metaphors and symbols.

 ‘The Embankment‘- T. E. Hulme

     In This poem short poemwe can say that says: Fallen Gentleman reflects on his pas and how he found pleasure in worldly social activities such as musical gathering and dances. Here “Flash of Gold Heels” represents the beautiful women and “hard pavement” represents the hard and rough side of the society.

"Darkness" - Joseph Campbell

      In this poem poet talks about the night scene and the importance of stars in the dark sky. There is a word “star” shows the beauty of stars in the dark sky and without stars sky is all dark and “darkness” itself is the symbol of “fall”. But star is a symbol of brightness and hope.

'Image' - Edward Storer


    The meaning of “forsaken” is “to give up” so here “forsaken lovers” represents the fall. Here is a phrase “forsaken lovers burning” so here we can say that they are burning in lost as T.S Eliot discussed this in the third part “the fire sermon” in this part he discussed about the people who are burning and lost in spiritual degradation.

"In a station of the Metro" - Ezra Pound


Here In this poem “Metro” itself is a symbol of Modernism and the crowd represents the people. So here we can say that it represents the people who are living physically but mentally they all are dead because of their daily hasty schedule. “Bough” is a branch of a tree, and here he used “black bough” which means the dead branch of a tree (culture). Here society is a tree and branch is culture.

'The Pool' - Hilda Doolittle


In this poem the word “pool” then there is only one thing came in our mind and that is a place where we can swim or have fun. But here we can relate “sea fish” with T.S Eliot’s “The Wasteland” in which he discussed about the unreal cities like “London”. As we all know that water is in pool is not flowing like river which symbolizes the stability of society.

"Insouciance" – Richard Aldington


     In this poem there are many images such as “dreary trenches” which means a dark hole or dug in the ground, it is used as a metaphors for the ups and downs of life, or we can say that life is a two side of one coin one is negative and one is positive. which represents the image of a person who has to do his work but he don’t want to do. Here poet focused upon the ups and downs oflife during the rough time of a person.

Morning at the Window - T. S. Eliot

In this poem there are many words like “rattling”, “damp souls”, “despondently”, “fog”, “twisted faces”, “fear”, “aimless”. Here we can find negativity I each line which represents the darker side. In this poem we can find images of “dullness” and “dead spirit”.Here wecan say the first part “the burial of dead” described by T.S.Eliot.

The Red Wheelbarrow -William Carlos Williams

  In This poem poet say the word “wheel”, “rain”, “water” “white chicken”. The dictionary meaning of “wheel borrows” is “a small, one wheeled cart with handles at one end for transporting small loads. It Is like “bullock cart” but bullock cart is pushed by bull but wheel borrow may be pushed by man for transporting little goods and luggage's. Here we can see that the poet uses “chicken” which is the younger one of hen/cock. So we can say that it is a poem about the sacrifice of a younger one in this modern age.

Anecdote of the Jar- Wallace Stevens

Here poet discussed about the state “Tennessee” in United States of America. In this poem poet placed a jar on the hill. After some time jar at hill owns the place slowly and steadily. Through this line poet wants to say that how an outsider comes as different place and owns that place or we can say that an outsider made.

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