Saturday 10 September 2016

Public communication

Public communication

while reading book on public communication which is written by R.P.Hart,
G.W.Friedrich ,and W.D.Brook i would like to analysis  there interpretation.
what would you do if you were asked to say something intelligent about communication in public setting would you simply detail the findings that have emerged from unfounded or behavioral research?
     And also many brands of communicative exilir as we have that a textbook is a very limited vehicle for communicating information and that  it has done it's job if it presents a tolerably efficient way of thinking for approaching communicative acts principles ,theories ,and so on are quickly forgotten but that the style of thinking that college ,course encourage lives on after the facts are interred with the students intellectual we feel that textbook on public communication can not do certain things that classroom teachers are uniquely equipped to deal with some aspects of public communication because their relationship with the student is always immediate on in context further more only teacher ,not a textbook writer can not adjust individual needs of students and to the specific contexts within student does his communicating

     Generally it's very difficult to teach communication because it dealing with language and more command on language to learn anything and normally when we goes for language learning and teaching must follow some step and techniques without it not we get good fluency and command in this way we have to fulfill some fundamental requirement for learning language there are four pillars for any language Reading ,Speaking ,Writing ,listening are the more useful and provide boost to our language so that's way people used to read more and more crests atmosphere and make their own language more stable and sharper it very highly and richest language in day to day life we have develop our language more by using well way and technical aspects of language otherwise our knowledge live in limited we can't communicate with other there may be more different between mother tongue and our other language so in this way if we want to expand our language knowledge and make communication more perfect spend maximum time to improve it .
Otherwise our communication live in poor condition and limited because of lack of vocabulary and improvement of language so again i give favor to practice more for cultivate  and shining our language .

Saturday 3 September 2016

Blog on To The Lighthouse

1...In this question first we see the ideal indian women according to indian tradition women potrayed very patriarchal way and womens moral duties are to become a housewife cooking ,household,take care of children and all things maintance home she not openly present their ideas opinion and indian social life male dominted society and womens roleis very typical she controling by men as per indian culture and tradition those women who live life in this way they are ideal women and one more thing is to give child birth and loyalty towards family and community come in first priority as we see in our various virtual and our furfurther given ideology of that “PATI PARMESHWAR” in this cocept indian womens are cultivated everthing and follow it ,As we seen in female characters Lily Briscoe and Mrs.Ramsay both are totally different belief one is wish to live single life and freedom not wish to live in traditional women as Mrs.Ramsay live she belief in looking forward break the tradition and not agree with patriarchal sytem in those days women not allow to draw painting and read ,write ,according to CHARLES TANSLY.
And Mrs.Ramsay like to host number of guest and she helpel them and patchmaker of some young couple but she also scaryed if one everybody forget her and she argued with Lily that she is very important in this house but Lily answered that one you may be kick outfrom house .in both way writer presented the real picture and contrast between IDEALISM &REALISM by two female chracters very rational arguement presented in novel Virginia Woolf potrayed both characters in juxtaposition Mrs.Ramsay also more traditional way presented but also WOOLF presented real pictureof society and also it is not limited on that time in nowdays also that kind of social contemporary issue come out such as ; women does not use social media ,dressing sense ,and do not enter in temple some way thatkind of ideas living 21st century also people are not agree to give freedom to women may be someway educated people are given it but some part and community thinking in orthodixical way .

2...Yes in some parts of movie and film adaption we can find out some different in comperisn to movie novel also ppresented that kind of things well such as some symbolism like;
Lilybriscoe's painting ,storm ,MrRamsay's summer house ,theboar's skull,in all those symbols presented same ways in the end of novel Lily get her vision and painting finally complete because the wall between James and Mr Ramsay brokendown and in novel present of skull act as disturbing reminder that death is always at hand but in film it not everyone understand properly deep philosophy as we feelin novel may be it like children generally feel fear by that kind of ugly skull to understand it very deeply we need some original reading .as we see IN movie Lily doing painting without reading we just think not her struugle in patriarchal society against gender convention but some way we know that film adaption make director's way of looking thing so that kind of common difference live in different perception they heve to discribed it through visual and writer discribe by words but it is complicated things to justify whose way of discribing that kind of symbolism and things because it depends on viewers/ and reader's perspective and point of view ya some time to watchfilm adaption is save our time to undersatand some basic idea and themetic concept not overall thing clear .

3..To The LigtHouse title of novel is presented very symbolic way in same way metaphorically as the elements of water represents the emotions the Lighthouse isthe symbol for the spiritual strength and emotions same way Mr.Ramsay stand strong like the lighthouse being with ,JAMES, LILY,
one more thing lighthouse stands alone and tall in both light and darkness which symbolise strength
and guidance and MrRamsay and Mrs Ramsay stands sfety to other family and guest those who wisit summerhouse in this way lighthouse stand for Mrs&Mr. Ramsay

4... india is reffered many time in this novel apart of habit of exaggeration (fact)which they implicatior indian women coud not bear incivility to her guest to youngmen in patricular whowear poor as church mice she had the whole of orthodoxy ,not mke openely decesion,male dominated ,family perfomed traditional role of women ,giving child birth ,not allow to live in single life donot work with male amd living life very traditionally and as ideal women and not financially self depend that kind of all things presented indian women's role

Tuesday 16 August 2016




As we know that Hindi Film Industry is very large and they given much contribution in humans life there are many movies and many Heroes each generation has different demand ,icon ,visoin ,mentality,ch like and dislike but most of people used to watch movies just for entertained, for enjoy romance ,action ,comedy dance,etc;

     but Raj Kapoor tried to break that thing and try to give something different things which is goes beyond understanding of human mind .i am going to telling about that movie because i just watch this movie for understanding deep philosophy of life
many question raise in over mind what is life ? Life is journey and
death is destination.but what we should do between journey of life and death ?
Make over status better earn money fulfill over expectation for better lifestyle or luxurious life each and every person is architecture of their own life always chance come one by one in over life some people got it and start to achive their top level and some are used to satisfy in present equal condition but they never demand anything just live like as animal without doing any superiority and highest way of life but they suffer lot of to make strength in society but this Movie lead on some focus on that aspect .

Here i found same philosophical and universal law that each person is an actor of their life and performed various role in life as 
    Shakespeare's thought Entire world is theatre and every human being is an artist we just wait for end .we don't when it end and who is director of over life ? Remain invisible and we don't know what is next scene ? But in this way we does manything make many relation based on politics personal bias ,vanity of society and never it end we can't stop expectation .
But in this movie story revolve in centre of JOKER'S life his work is only one to make laugh on himself by wearing comic costume and various gesture,creating comedy ,in circus Joker always popular among other Artist same way Raju is Joker and his dream to be joker and bring smile on everone's life but he is very poor also his mother disagree with him because to go in circus and performing as joker but Raju has no idea his passion to be a Joker
as joker Raju started react like joker not limited only to Circus but in real life remain as joker because everystep of life he just as puppet of enjoyment nobody understand his feeling use him and forget only one thing remain with him that is circus and his audience Raju's personal life is very tragic he does not cry but try to bring it infront of audience and tell his story with comic way those who understand deep event who never laugh on him but some are laugh they people thik that this is part of new show but it is performed story of Raju's Childhood,Youth,and Old this are three step of human's life which is common in everybody life show must go on , everything not remain in over favour because each person has their own expectation we became just Joker for make laugh on over life why? Because we expect many thing but we can't get as over wish ultimately it's like one abstract activity as we see over own shadow but we can't catch it life and expectataion is some abstract thing or illusion but we suffer a lot 
    while watching any movie or Circus we enjoy and understand that wahatever happened is nothing but one kind of smoke which blow with air vanished from over mind but sometime we will think lot and disturb over mind automatically it's like somebody throw stone in calm water and ultimately water started to react and waves break that quiteness this movie do that thing .
It's presented reality of life and deep philosophy and we know that reality always with bitter test but we have to accept that life is very complicated and we all are in that movie who's director is invisible script .
     In 21st century human is very rational and practical who think twice both side nagetive and positive love ,feeling ,hate is always increse in over day to day life because people does not want to be emotional ful.relationship became bargning based on personal benefit but Character's of Raju fraway to this all thing he just want to see happy everyone who know him because he understood that oneday i finesh my role and everyone's end is possible so why?i make disaapoint anyonebecause he know someday people realise his mistake but it will be very late but atleast
somebody memorise me as Joker but who is real Joker ?
And who is real artist who hide sorrow in eyes and presented same way in front of viewer's .

Thursday 11 August 2016

Here is my interpretation of 10 short poems, with modern metaphors and symbols.

  Here is my interpretation of 10 short poems, with modern metaphors and symbols.

 ‘The Embankment‘- T. E. Hulme

     In This poem short poemwe can say that says: Fallen Gentleman reflects on his pas and how he found pleasure in worldly social activities such as musical gathering and dances. Here “Flash of Gold Heels” represents the beautiful women and “hard pavement” represents the hard and rough side of the society.

"Darkness" - Joseph Campbell

      In this poem poet talks about the night scene and the importance of stars in the dark sky. There is a word “star” shows the beauty of stars in the dark sky and without stars sky is all dark and “darkness” itself is the symbol of “fall”. But star is a symbol of brightness and hope.

'Image' - Edward Storer


    The meaning of “forsaken” is “to give up” so here “forsaken lovers” represents the fall. Here is a phrase “forsaken lovers burning” so here we can say that they are burning in lost as T.S Eliot discussed this in the third part “the fire sermon” in this part he discussed about the people who are burning and lost in spiritual degradation.

"In a station of the Metro" - Ezra Pound


Here In this poem “Metro” itself is a symbol of Modernism and the crowd represents the people. So here we can say that it represents the people who are living physically but mentally they all are dead because of their daily hasty schedule. “Bough” is a branch of a tree, and here he used “black bough” which means the dead branch of a tree (culture). Here society is a tree and branch is culture.

'The Pool' - Hilda Doolittle


In this poem the word “pool” then there is only one thing came in our mind and that is a place where we can swim or have fun. But here we can relate “sea fish” with T.S Eliot’s “The Wasteland” in which he discussed about the unreal cities like “London”. As we all know that water is in pool is not flowing like river which symbolizes the stability of society.

"Insouciance" – Richard Aldington


     In this poem there are many images such as “dreary trenches” which means a dark hole or dug in the ground, it is used as a metaphors for the ups and downs of life, or we can say that life is a two side of one coin one is negative and one is positive. which represents the image of a person who has to do his work but he don’t want to do. Here poet focused upon the ups and downs oflife during the rough time of a person.

Morning at the Window - T. S. Eliot

In this poem there are many words like “rattling”, “damp souls”, “despondently”, “fog”, “twisted faces”, “fear”, “aimless”. Here we can find negativity I each line which represents the darker side. In this poem we can find images of “dullness” and “dead spirit”.Here wecan say the first part “the burial of dead” described by T.S.Eliot.

The Red Wheelbarrow -William Carlos Williams

  In This poem poet say the word “wheel”, “rain”, “water” “white chicken”. The dictionary meaning of “wheel borrows” is “a small, one wheeled cart with handles at one end for transporting small loads. It Is like “bullock cart” but bullock cart is pushed by bull but wheel borrow may be pushed by man for transporting little goods and luggage's. Here we can see that the poet uses “chicken” which is the younger one of hen/cock. So we can say that it is a poem about the sacrifice of a younger one in this modern age.

Anecdote of the Jar- Wallace Stevens

Here poet discussed about the state “Tennessee” in United States of America. In this poem poet placed a jar on the hill. After some time jar at hill owns the place slowly and steadily. Through this line poet wants to say that how an outsider comes as different place and owns that place or we can say that an outsider made.

Movie Review :The Reluctant Fundamentalist

Movie Review :The Reluctant Fundamentalist 

                          Directed By :Mira Nair

                  Starring : Riz Ahmed 

                                  Kate Hudson 


The Reluctant Fundamentalist (Film) 2012 political thriller drama Film based on Novel The Reluctant Fundamentalist by Mohsin Hamid.

Plot :

        Movie about impact on one man of the In this movie story of a young man named Changez Khan who want to work in America and very ambitiuos personality to establish himself as a successful buisnessman and starrring his career as advisor but unfortunately one worst event happened in America The World Trade Center 9/11 broken down by blast .And then Changez Khan suffering from various objection because of his identity and ultimately he became leader of terrorist group .

      Here in this movie he himself narrator of the story to tell whole about his personal life to one American journalist named Bobby He told them lot of about his life and experience in America and how his love convert into hate because of religion he belongs from Muslim community for this reason he became suspect for F.B.I and many time harassed by local police and last he come back to Pakistan and became leader of Terrorist Movement .

   The movie ends with simple and deep message of humanity,in this way movie presented colonial aspect and how people control by colonized way.

Monday 8 August 2016

Review On : Midnight's children

Review On : Midnight's children

Director : Deepa Mehta
Writer : Salman Rushdie
Starring : Shabana Azmi ,Ronit Roy,Sriyasaran ,Satya Bhabha

   Midnight's children is a Novel by Salman Rushdie in which theametic concept of book dealing with india before independence and after independence central point of view Post Colonialism as india were colonized by British In this movie presented condition of India Pakistan and BangaladeshSalman Rushdie selected the historical event of independence but with fictional aspects.and magical realism and Histrographical metafiction.After watching the movie directed by Deepa Mehta i given my interpretation in this way .


     The Plot is very complicated because of the confusion of identity of two young boys who belongs with different community named Shiva ,and Saleem .In this way Saleem was born at the exact movement when india become an independent nation.
So life of Saleem start with the life of independent india got the Telepathic Power even other children who were born at exact 12 o'clock midnigt of 14th August got different kind of power by using his power saleem created a link with all the states of India .

    In this Film there are so many incidents which reflects Post Colonial aspect and Film we could see two sides of women one side who feel inferior and another who is independent in nature Naseem Saleem's grandmother and Vanita exploid by Methwold Mumtaz (Saleem's mother)
can be seen as colonised women .In this way we can see position of women as inferior .
   One more things about movie main characters Saleem come from rich background and shiva come from poor background both have power but only shiva wants to use power which reflects his hate towards wealthy people and feeling of having inferiority by rich people and another while Saleem wanted to help people and nation because he never suffered from
starvation and poverty .

   In climax of movie part we can see How Bangladesh depart from india and after war between India and Pakistan ,Bangladesh come to exist in a new country and Saleem was the only survivor during the war in Bangladesh Saleem converted him self as Bangladeshi .
This scene suggests the central of power the magic of Parvati reflected of people who believed in illusion during the partition and many people have to leave their homeland forcefully and magical escapism of Saleem was the desire of theose migrated people .

  At the end of Movie family has Hindu Grandfather,Christian Grandmother ,and  Muslim Father and a son which can be considered as hybrid and contains different identities. 
   In short Midnight's Children from one of the most accailmed novel by Salman Rushdie emerges this drama Midnigt's Children 2013 Film
Highlight the lives of two individuals born at the same time of Midnight when India achieved it's independence from the British ; and Film is a controversial potboiler that has Romace, Tragedy,and Comedy.

Friday 22 July 2016

Here is view's regarding to the Poem 'The Waste Land'.

Here is view's regarding to the Poem 'The Waste Land'.

1 . T.S. Eliot’s ‘The Waste Land’ is an important landmark in the history of English Poetry and one of the most talked about the Poem of the 20th Century.
Answer 1. Here in the First question Friedrich Nietzsche comes, with the concept of ‘The Ubermensch’. In Philosophy, the superior man, who justifies the existence of the human race, and also it means that as a goal for humanity to set for itself. ‘ Superman’ is the term significantly used by Friedrich Nietzsche. This superior man would not be a product of long evolution; rather, he would emerge when any man with superior potential completely masters himself and strikes off conventional Christian “herd morality” to create his own values, which are completely rooted in life on this earth.

‘The Waste Land’ Contemporary spirit in its totality. Its anxiety, its despair. In the Contemporary waste land there is sexual degeneration at all levels. there is some Forward movement also. In the beginning there is only barren desert and rock (red rock –as a symbol of Christianity), but the towards the end there is desire for water, there are clouds, and so expectation rain. The title ‘ A Game of Chess ’ suggest that sex has become a matter of intrigue, a matter of moves and counter moves . In the last section, Eliot points out the way for spiritual salvation through the following of the philosophy of the Buddha. Man must give himself over to the cause of religion.

Eliot seems to be regressive and backward looking as he presented the things , which was presented historical events, and myths, it led towards to find answer of contemporary malaise in Upanishad, Buddhism, and Christianity.

2. Freud and Eliot both are thinks differently. Freud believed in collective and individual balance , which should constantly take into account man’s primitive instincts.
Such perversion sex result in neurosis, frustration and disillusionment, despair and hopelessness of the modern man 



3. T.S. Eliot thinks that the salvation of man lies in the preservation of the cultural tradition. T.S. Eliot had been reading Jessie Weston’s book ‘from Ritual to Romance’ , and James Frazer’s Famous Book ‘ The Golden Bough’. The Poet himself has acknowledged that he was deeply influenced by these work or anthropology. And the ancient and the primitive myth and legends which from the mythical background to the poem are derived from these book. Indian religious book’ Upanishad’ pointed out ways to salvation.  







Saturday 9 July 2016

Teaching of English :A plea for Practical Attitude by R.k.singh

             Teaching of English :A plea for Practical Attitude by R.k.singh

    English in India is a potential national resource. It is important to develop tolerance and positive attitudes towards English. Teaching by making is more need based, flexible and innovative.
English is adopted and established as a link language by our national leaders during and after freedom struggle not for mutual communication and coexistence, but also for saving small state nationalism.

         English is not necessarily for reasons of quality but for political and historical reasons. England and USA have been dominating power for past three centuries English has become a dominating language, the language of power, utility and international communication today.

          English exists for many utilitarian reasons in many non native forms, and in India, with the Associate Official Language’ status that constitutionally it enjoys, remember the fact that socially English continues to be a prestige language and widely preferred as medium for all transaction, it’s now an integral part of the country’s linguistic ecology and perceived as a language of power and administrative and sociocultural contexts, just as over 75% of secondary school students have been studying it.

          There is a need to change attitudes towards English. English is a neutral language or linguafranca for communication. So, learning another language makes one bigger gives one a wider vision. As a teacher of English he hopes from us, the fraternity will appreciate his plea for tolerance and mutual understanding in our pluralistic multilingual society.

The role of English in india

                 The Role of English in india

                     Among the non-native varieties, most of which grew and spread as a consequence of British colonial expansion, Indian English is most widely used. There are large numbers of people in India who learn and use English for a wide variety of purposes. Its importance is on the increase in every walk of life, in our native language i.e. Hindi speaking states. No India is acceptable to all the states. English, through a foreign language is the only language, which understood, Learnt, taught and used by people in all parts of India.

   On other hand, English in India is learnt and used as second language. We call it a second language and not a foreign language because it has become a part of our national and socio-cultural reality. English is as much a part of Indian Linguistic scene as any other Indian language. In other words, English is medium of instruction and if we consider our educational set up our

  administration, our trade and commerce, our judicial set up and even our personal communicative need for English can be discerned in every sphere. There is constant social pressure to learn and use English at different stages. We learn not only English but we also learn many subjects through English.

  Student also need English both for pursuing their studies and communicate in real life situation after they leave university. English needed to perform a large number of communicative acts i.e. comprehend and interpret professional material in English, read general books and magazines for information or pleasure, persuade people to do certain other activities. Our approach to language teaching should then be such that students are enabled to use English for the purposes they would need to use it.

   English has respectable place in the society. A person is not a considered educated if he does have the fair knowledge of English. It has an established sociolinguistic fact that no one learns a second language unless there is need for it. English is perhaps best when it is the medium of instruction. 

  This explains why more and more people want English medium schooling for their children. English medium schools have become synonymous with good teaching, better discipline, accountability, etc. 

  So the mushrooming of English medium schools is as much an indicator of the common man’s desire for good teaching of English as ; of quality education generally, there is a social demand for English. Keeping in view this demand for English, the language holds a prime pontoon in the present day Indian socio-cultural setting and we can neglect its study only at the risk of loss to ourselves.

   Pandit Nehru once said that English acted as the major window for the India’s to the outside world and its closure would spell peril for our future. The advancement in science, technology space satellite communication satellite, computer science, medical science engineering and their researcher s are brought to light through English.

  Now English has become associated with better education, better job opportunities, high social status, better inter regional mobility and communication. It has a vial role to play in forging national integration. We can say English is passport to good employment. English person knowing person is in good demand. In an age of globalization, liberalization and privatization the role of English in our country is ever on the increase.

Socio cultural dimension of English as a second language by Rekha Asalm

    Socio cultural dimension of English as a second language by Rekha Asalm

   We use English but our requirements are behind English. English people and it is just created by English people. They are the first who used English as a language. English is not become our need but it is just medium and it is not our goal. For us English is not very important because without speaking English we can communicate with other peoples in India so it is not our need but for English people it is their need because without speaking English they can not speak or display their ideas and they can not communicate with other peoples in their country. There are so many factors which are related to English and social and cultural dimensions are among them.

    Nowadays we need English because our higher education is not in our mother tongue (Gujarati) but it is in English. English becomes a compulsory subject. All the higher education is in English so we need to learn English and it is become our need. We have not genuine interest in English. English is not boring but our teacher makes it boring so we have not interest in learning English as a subject because teacher have not any special method for teaching English as a language. If English is taught in a particular way or in a effective method, we can learn it very easily. The rules and methods are not used in classroom for teaching English as a subject so student cannot learn it easily or he can not use it in day to day life. These all things are flexible and the main reason of behind them is socio cultural dimensions of English.

    Indian people have neglected the Gujarati language and we want to learn English as a second language. All languages have something in common. People do not have thoughts to express. Thinking is closely connected with language learning. We do not love English that is why we can not learn English language. We have to put interest in learning any language. We have to love of our target language language; we can not learn it very easily or in a proper way. We have not used the language in analyzing a poem. We should learn language. In language teaching students should use their language and thinking combing efforts with thinking. Language in action means a language in use.

   Language grows never be a static. It changes in different contexts and interaction. Every person socially is a bundle of personae, a bundle of parts and each part having its line means language. English can not be a medium of instruction but as a second language not a subject. Slang or taboo wards are rely on outside and we use it in our education. Second language can never take place of our mother tongue. Learning culture of Gujarati is not possible in second language. Reflection of culture is in our mother tongue, Gujarati.

Satan and saraswati : the double face of English in india

Satan and saraswati : the double face of English in india 
   in this essay E.Annamalai talked about both language in which declare both in different context ,after freedom in india in 1947 the British symbols were replaced but the institutions and instrument were rained .this is true of the english language which had symbolic as well as institutional and 
  instrumentalfunction as the new national flag symbolise new value ,power ,pride and english was the official languageThere were aspirations and pressures to make Hindi or Hinduism as the national language of the new nation 
    but ultimately recognising the multinational character of the country,the indian constitution did not speak of the national language of the Union .There was no difference of opinion in the constituent during the prescribed period 15 years for the complete change of the official language of the union there was growing political opposition in some states to the progressive use in hindi for official purposes (Kumaramangalam 1965) two years before deadline the parliament passed the bill for official language of the state which bill making english
     the increased preference and use english inthe country can be seen from the following facts .those following facts .those who take indian language medium for their higher education are a small minority and are poor students scholostically and economically In short this language can accept as both way for communication level and official level.

Teaching English as 'Second language'in india

Teaching English as 'Second language'in india by Kapil kapoor( JNU,Delhi)

     Concept of english as second languge is not purely pedagogy construct and has to be properly understood in the larger historical social and education context
it is shown to be a part of that mythology of english that has been assiduosusly cultivated by the interested elite to such deleterious effect position relative to the english a pre eminant language socio political language ,particularly 
   also been discourage the study and learning of classical languages particularly sanskrit which has contributed to the rootlessness of the young indian minds.
English as second language along with other indian languages and it is poor standarad
of english inspite of the tremendous the role of english as a foreign language and by choosing the rigt language teaching theories and matter of methodology
English is the language of knowledge ,language of modern thinking ,reason ,english is the link language .

   As we said the metaphor of 'window' is central inthis structure in which indian language are the 'walls ' that enclose that lead light of moderanization
According to education commission 1964-'66 this tosay about to teaching of english ;because of years to come english will continue to be necessary in higher education as a library language have recommended in english must be laid at the schoolstage
In this way second language which introduced compulsorily either atend of primary stage or in the beginning of the lower secondary stage after the attainment of suffiecient proficiency in the first language by the learner .

   This is methodological approach applying in context of teaching english as second language and primart to upper stage it following by learners.

Teaching Of EST In Indian Condition by R.S.SHARMA

Teaching Of EST In Indian Condition by R.S.SHARMA

      In this essay R.S.Sharma talks about teaching of EST for science and Technology in india suffers from some seriuos drawback .the courses and method are unrelated to the specific academic and professional needs of the students ;the materials are not based on careful description of the scientific sub register and teaching staff are ill equipped and even resistant to the new tasks .yet this is an area which deserves top priority at the hands of the government and planners of technical education because teaching of EST has a
direct bearing on india's modernisation and progress
There are three aspects of EST :

  1. Need Analysis
  2. Structure Analysis
  3. Expertise and Training
      In this way the learner's profile would suggest that the students,who has been admitted to the first year B.Sc or B.Sc course through an admission test possesses intelligence and attainment above the average he has successfully completed
some course in general English and has communicative competence in English his English however requires remedial work and further improvement
English as a subject compulsory in many institutions is taught in the first year it is taught at a first stage when many learner is familiar with applied sciences and has a little knowledge of technology or engineering.

        Let me end by remarking that the teacher of EST who can plan his work properly and make the right kind of note and evaluate asking question this can be basic idea to drow attention towards English .

Tuesday 1 March 2016

Here my view on Deconstruction on Hindi serial .linked given below

1.    Define deconstruction:
Deconstruction, as applied in the criticism of literature, designates a theory and practice of reading which questions and claims to "subvert" or "undermine" the assumption that the system of language provides grounds that are adequate to establish the boundaries, the coherence or unity, and the determinate meanings of a literary text. Typically,  a  deconstructiv reading sets out to show that conflicting forces within the text itself serve to dissipate the seeming definiteness of its structure and meanings into an indefinite array of incompatible and undecidable possibilities.

2 . Deconstruction OF serial   ‘servicewali bahu’
This show is basically on dowry ‘ Service wali bahu Gharki  shaan ya Dahej ka doosra Naam’

Daughter in laws as the pride of the actually granted for dowry .
Despite this dowry still marks its presence in some of the middle class families or in small towns .it’s not like only illiterate people are demanding dowry but the literate people are also involved in this .

Now a days ,this is new face ,when people want a 'service  wali bahu' .And they ask for how much they earn per month and which designation are they working and many more .

Tuesday 2 February 2016

Structuralism and Literary Criticism

                    Structuralism is generally defined as the perspective of evaluating of individual human minds .this idea   we apply on any literary text movie and serial, so we can say that it is a one type of critical view point of our interpretations towards any particular work. As we know all that entire meaning of the text is always should be in the context itself instead of words and in a real sense this is called criticism.

              Structuralist critics like, Gerard Genette, Ferdinand Saussure, Roland Barthers, Claude Lavi-Strauss contributed the field of structuralism through their ideas very well. According to them there is always similarity one can find in the construction method of any literary art keeping in mind the approach of structuralism if we can see that many of our Bollywood movies and some serials have such pattern. There are mostly three divisions in which entire content take place, has also the use of varieties in presenting the content in that order its equally notable here.

               If we take example of   movies then again we find out the same theories . As we can see that having the idea of Love or Death it happen in different way and presenting time by time . We can see many of Hindi movies. Sometimes   Ultimately there will be always contrast from both sides through it has the same concepts to present.

            Movies: Nadiya ke paar  is in contrast to Hum aap ke hai kaun and also same theories of movie Hum aapke hai kaun contrast in which some common change but concept and theme framed in same structure love family and sacrifice .

And also in the movie VIVAAH also same concept pure family drama and framed and theme are same but director made some minor change and remake movies from earlier structure
One more example I would like to present from movie  some hindi movies such as ;

            RAM LEEL ..QAYAMAT SE QAYAMAT TAK ..EK DUJE KE LIYE all movies central theme comes from Shakespeare’s play  ROMEO AND JULIET  in all movie lover are dies because they family animity and also all are STARCROSS lover in 20 century represented this concept and same theories by this two movies,
QAYAMAT SE QAYAMAT TAK  and  EK DU JE KE LIYE AND again in 21 century this type of typical theme see in the movie RAM LEELA ,and also it became more popular tragic love story and struggle for love and revenge in this we can see our entire world of literature and entertainment coming out with the same structure in both way Girl and boy fall in love. they arranged marriage the justification is that the second story ‘s structure is an “INVERSION “ of the first story ‘ s structure; the relationship between the values of love and the two pairs of parties involved have been reversed .
Also some movies there is only same theme based on TERRORISM and KASHMIR ,JEHAAD and corruption we can’t any huge different but some events different such as ;ZAMEEN ,INSAN,MAA TUJE SALAAM ,ROZA ,HOLIDAY ,BABY ,GABBAR ,KAHAKEE ,INDIAN ,

                    Same theme if in India Director who want to make movie upon country love it mostly theme revolves around TERRORISM and Corruptions it is same structure and also in cotemporaries many movies are  based on same theme and structure but some common changes are made up by director in movie HINDUSTANI and GABBAR have same structure about corrupt system.
Now I would like to throws some light on structure of serial such as same narration based on ‘SAAS BAHU’ kind of typical and single handed plot developed .in JAMAI RAJA , KYUNKI SAANS BHI KABHI BAHU THI.etc.

            In Advertisement that it  promoted any cosmetic product same structure
Such as; ‘Fair and lovely’ soap like;lux always coming with girl’s beuty same structure and they only give template in matter of beauty this way it lies and cheated people by same structure and concept.

In short above interpretation is based on my view and personal thinking and understanding ,exception might be there.