Sunday 29 January 2017

Hamlet by W.Shakespeare

Hamlet By William Shakespeare
Image result for hamlet by shakespeare

Hamlet is a play dealing with genre of tragedy and more specially a Shakespearean Tragedy generally involves a tragic hero (Hamlet) who holds an elevated position in his society (Prince of Denmark son of late king and current queen, nephew to the current king).
Hamlet is a thoughtful, contemplative, and scholarly man motives the hero to perform an action or to set in motion a series of actions. Hamlet is called to revenge his father’s murder , but finds vengeance difficult to achieve while he has questions about true nature of his father’s ghost, his uncle’s guilt, and his mother’s virtue, it is more in Hamlet’s nature to ponder the various possibilities and their consequences than to actually take action.
Ultimately, however his inaction draws more and more people into the circle of corruption that well eventually have to be destroyed.
This series of action creates intense suffering both for the Hero and for the society at large guilt about his failure to achieve revenge. The method he choose to assess his uncle’s guilt hurts his mother and Girlfriend, ultimately resulting in his girlfriend death. His own insecurity allow him to trust virtually no one, including his own mother , his girl friend and two childhood friends who have come to help him.this distrust convert into violence one Hamlet reaches the point of being able to take action.
At the end of the play Hamlet killed by Laertes , whose father and sister Hamlet has essentially destroyed.

Image result for feminism Feminist Theory In Applied to Play

Feminism is a philosophy and it’s application in literature is relatively new area of study . the basis of the movement both in literature and society,is that the Western is fundamentally patriarchal .
The social movement of feminism found its approach to literature in the 1960 of course. Women had already been writing and publishing for centuries but the 1960s saw the rise of a literary theory until then ,the works of female writers were examined by the same standards as those male writers women were thought to be intelligent and many women accepted that justice .it was not until the feminist movement was well underway that woman began examining old text to reevaluated their portrayal of women and writing new works to fit the “Modern Women”.
The feminist approach is based on finding suggestions of negative attitude about women within pieces of literature and exposing them Feminist are interesting exposing elements in literature and exposing that have been dissected as the norm by both men and women.
The west have been dominated by men whether they be the politicians in power or the historians recording it all western literature reflects a masculine bias and consequently represents an inaccurate and harmful image of women.

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