Tuesday 24 January 2017

Kim by Rudyard Kipling

Kim: as picaresque novel
What is Picaresque Novel ?:  
(The Picaresque novel is a genre of prose fiction that depicts the adventure of protagonist who belongs from low social class and lives in corrupted society.)

Kim is Novel by Rudyard Kipling this novel considered as picaresque and spy novel in literary genre. In this novel story about a white English boy who is an orphan and poor .
This novel tells story of an adventure trip of Kim with Teshoo Lama Teshoolama a Monk who also search in River Of Arrow the set off a journey to find the secret and magic river of Healing which the Lama is looking for and which will free from this world into some higher spiritual space.
The first journey of kim goes on with the Monk is from Lahore in current day ( Pakistan)and Banaras (Known as Varanasi).
Kim is search for Red Bull on a Green Field .it is the flag of a group of Irish Troops in the British army British Army they remember his father and given Kim’s special language skills and knowledge of the local culture and his brightness this young by becomes unlikely British Spy .
This novel is not only written for children it is trivial things there is a speech for eternal life and involvement as spy in coming war poverty and hardship is everywhere.
Characters of Lama representing spirituality we learn good deals from purpose quest for life in this novel also dealing with an Indian way of living life and conditions during British rulers over India .
Here Kipling describing vast knowledge about India .Its culture many religions natives and poor condition so in this context we read what is the purpose behind writing novel? As a British writer but he created good impact connecting with various culture ,expectations ,personal quest and religion and how the persons looking for their selves as an adventure journey of Kim
Also marvellous way he described Indian life style ,street ,way of living life ,culture and Religion , Tibetian Monk

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