Wednesday 4 January 2017



Othello The Moor of venice written by William Shakespeare This Drama considered as Tragic dram and also Shakespeare known for genre of tragedy and one of the prominent figure of an Elizabethan era

In this play is story of 'Othello'and Desdemona both are love each other as a black man and Desdemona a very pretty and princess daughter of Brabantio.The play  devided into 5 acts .and story of Moorish General' Othello' he is the Protagonist of the play and Iago is an Antagonist of play .This play generally dealing with revenge and so In this Drama we can see Racism,Love,Jealousy,Betrayal ,Revenge ,Racism and Prejudice. Because of personal  expectatation and when it not satisfied everyone has their own problems and personal hope for love,power ,and political affairs 
Othello known as man of action in play main theme is betrayal and disloyalty of wife towards husband.

Setting of the play is Venice and Cyprus but this play concist deep meaning and in matter of love trust become an important part but if ones it lost,then everything is lost so here Shakespeare appeal lot about human that men can not understand women and in matter of disloyalty it is an indigest for men .and foolishness.we can see many litery aspects in this play.

Some famous quotations from Othello 
“ To mourn a mischief that is past and gone is the next way to draw new mischief on”
(Quote Act1,scene 3 )

“ The robbed that smiles steals something from the theif”
(Quote Act 1,scene 3)

T' is neither here nor there”
(Quote Act 4 ,scene 3)

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