Friday 27 January 2017

Robert Frost's Poem Stopping By woods

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Stopping by Woods On a Snowy Evening
Robert Frost was one of the leading poets of American Literature . Frost was an American poet who depicts about rural life in most of his poems . He received four times Pulitzer prize for poetry.
Critics say that Frost was a poet of plains , mountains and rivers, woods and gardens , fruits and flowers seeds and birds.
Cleanth Brooks point out :
Frost best poetry exhibits the structure of symbolic poetry much more clearly than does of many a modern poet”.
This poem is One of the most quietly moving of Frost’s lyrics. The poem starts with the question like
Whose woods these are i think i know”
 Here the speaker sounds confuse or rather he is not confident about the owner of the woods. The illusion of the poet we can see here because as we know that god is everywhere through poet believes that the owner of the wood can’t see him.
 Also the poem dealing with significance of duty. And it is more important in our life Nature is beautiful but we can’t be with nature because we are used to work and live materialistic life . and also applied meaning of the poem is about to Karma Yoga .
  Here woods are symbolized as nature and Owner of the Woods are symbolised as God .My Little Horse is used for The Soul and Horse is a kind of tool to rich your destination.
“But i have promises to keep”
“And miles to go before i sleep”
 These last two line suggest that death is the ultimate reality of the life but before that an individual has some duty to fulfil and words like “Miles to go” suggest the same thing that there are so many works and responsibility an individual has to complete before the end of this life .Here “Sleep” symbolizes death.Image result for stopping by woods

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