Friday 27 January 2017

Movie Review on The Birth Day Party.

 Image result for birthday party movie 1968

 Movie Review: on The Birth Day

 In the scene in which Stanley,  attacked on Lulu and second is Lulu starting fluting with one man in that scene from the movie we can say abuse  t women by men.

 Yes .movies giving effect of menace because of audio visual and many scene we can feel it from beginning to end of movie most of characters are suffering from fear with various noisy atmosphere ,while reading of text someway it not effectively because it dependable on our visualization so ,i think movie gives it effectively on viewer's mind by audio effect and lot of noisy sound suddenly ,listen many time .

 yes , we feel it while watching movie somebody ,come and knocking the door ,people shouting on each other ,other noise of city life vehicle ,expression of an actors by all this thing become successful to effect of lurking danger in play. But text reading ids might be in other perception and depend on consciousness of reader

 Petey reading newspaper to Meg has insisted him Meg has short memory so she forgot easily reality ,so Petey tries to remind in front of her.

yes when camera positioned on head of McCain  who playing blind man's buff and when Stanley playing it . Someway we can see this thing tries to hide a reality and focus on it in this scene camera highlight it by throwing some focus dark corner of human being.

Yes ,it happen in the movie while two person come ,drum gifted to Stanley and some other scene we can connect that some basic elements and unpredictable dialogue with the movie

yes movie help in better way to understand because of some lively scene creating in movie such as ;Pause ,silence ,menace lurking ,and picturesque while reading of text it just remain limited to given in bracket, but to see in movie it impacted on viewers mind very effectively so in this context we can say movie is provide decent atmosphere for scene which ids creating in the play.

i am agree with first observation “it probably wasn't possible to make satisfactory film of Birthday party”.

Because it is too much complicated to give any general statement regarding to movie review because each person has different point of view so and perception so some are appreciate and some criticize so,it contradiction way people justifying .

In choice of actors is also important to find out suitable characters for playing but if i got chance as director i more focusing on camera position to highlight important parts because of camera playing very significance role in making movie a small things highlighting and more meaningful point as director want to convey important parts of his analysis.

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