Friday 27 January 2017

The Scarlet Letter By Hawthrone

Image result for the scarlet letter

The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthrone
The Novel The Scarlet Letter had been written by Nathaniel Hawthrone. In this Novel focus on dark side of an American Puritan society .
Novel presented some many facts and reality of a puritan society , morality v/s passion and individualism .self trust v/s accommodation to authority and conventional v/s unconventional gender roles.
Law of society and law of nature, belief in fate impossibility of earthly perfection discourse on sin.
Torment of society and tortured life of women.
Hester is a female protagonist of novel who committed adultery before marriage and then society given punishment because puritan society not allow that kind of relation before marriage between man and women so in this storey about a struggle of Hester By wearing the letter ‘A’ Hester loses her individuality and ironically adopts a new real one that stands against the apparent one just to sharpen the gap between what she really is and what she seem to be.
As a literary theory Hawthrone created some symbolical used of literary techniques such as Forest, Nature, Color ,Letter ‘A’
Story of a American woman who lives in forest because of punished by society with her daughter .here in this novel character of Hester is very bravely created by writer in her struggle against law of society and stereo typical society of American puritan age .Also the role of Custom House during Puritan age portrayed well by Nathaniel .

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