Friday 27 January 2017

Tradition and Individual talent byT.S.Eliot

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Tradition and Individual Talent by T.S.Eliot.

1)Yes I’m agree with Eliot’s view. Tradition does not means that the close adherence to the literary tradition of the past. The tradition means-the past and the literary tradition means the work of writer and their writing style.

The every writer contributes his talent in the tradition. It is the tradition with which we compare our present writer and find newness in present work. It is simple that we come to know about the c behange because there is something that we call past.

2) Historical sense is the most of important to understanding Book. It plays a vital role. This historical sense which is a sense of the timeless as well as temporal and of the timeless and of the temporal together is what makes the writer traditional. The quote means what is the importance of tradition is always far from the immortal and timeless.

3)According to T.S. Eliot tradition and individual talent is not separate and cannot be different  because it get together individual talent is revealed by writer and his work and learning process is not inherited.

4) The quote describes that everyone should work hard. We find distinction between knowledge and pedary, some becomes destinate by their power of technique or observation. For example Meera, Narsinh Mehta Tulsidas.

5) To this quotation we can say that poetry cannot be judge by its poet but any kind of literature there is central point is poem and not poet himself. We judge the intention of the poem through its words not by the biographical history of the poet.

6) The theory of depersonalization is becomes very simple with the help of the example of chemical reaction. And  like to apply the same. In the second part of the essay he gives an example of the chemical reaction to explain his theory, the chemical process seems to very similar to that of the poetry. If we compare the chemical elements with abstract things from the poet's life.

7) According to T.S.Eliot man who imagine and the man who suffers both are different. The poet writes the poetry keeping his personal emotions and feelings. In another words in one body two persons are lives. In a way the above quote describes the poetry written by him is not the expression of his personal emotions but escape from emotions feeling.

8)T.S.Eliot as critic and he given some ideas to understanding new criticismTo understand betterway. In short we may say that he comes with new idea to judge literature and it is also complicated one .

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