Tuesday 24 January 2017

Heart of Drakness by Joseph Conrad

An Image Of Africa: Racism in Conrad’s Heart of Darkness:

Heart of Darkness this novel by polish British novelist Joseph Conrad about a voyage up the Congo River into the Congo free state zone Heart of Africa story narrator Marlow.
Relevant matter of colonialism this novel had its origin in personal experience of colonialism .he reveals the terror of colonialism .He used characters very symbolical way to presented that aspects one characters name KURTZ representing all Europe .
During the time in which Conrad had been living He realized that nature of colonialism has not changed much from Roman time to his days .

But some changed such as weapons and other tools become more sophisticated .In this novel Conrad described the terrible evil of COLONIALISM and EUROPEAN CAPITALIST .Through the character of Marlow’s journey.
The voyage into Congo in which civilized country and how it affected culture of native The Europeans on face level seek to covert the inhabitants of the Congo region to the European way of life.
The behaviour of the white European is narrated by the Novelist with very impressive and effective touches .He portrayed a suitable image of Conge during the European and natives of Congo during colonial’s .
   Another point in this novel that is .As a white man ‘s belief that the natives are suspected as inhuman .the improved and instructed in the European way of life and they think natives are uncultured and irrational they want to out them from this narrowness and uncultured life they want to civilized them some ways as an European Colonizes .if they are be slave that is not problems for European they want and used them as slave.
    Natives are became useful they supplying goods to the Europeans. But they do not take care for them about their health and basic fundamental requirements many of them are dying because of starvation ,poverty, and victimized an unorganized sectors not proper management and care providing by an European .
    In short this novel which i described dark image of European and Africans life. White man torture them merciless and black people are punished if they were break the rules .which is applying by white dominating people.
 Literary critic Horald Bloom wrote that and F.R.Leavis and other who passed their critical views on this novel.
In 1975 Niegerian Novelist Chinua Achebe in his public lecture called this novel
An image of Africa: Racism in Conrad’s Heart of Darkness

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